“Picasso’s Guernica Revisited” by T.J. Clark

Today’s mission : View the London Review of Books Winter Lecture titled “Picasso’s Guernica Revisited” (2011), by art historian T.J. Clark.

Why? Because viewing Picasso’s Guernica has been my most meaningful art experience, and I want to get closer to understanding why this is so.

And so? Magnificent ♥♥♥♥♥

From the lecture I gathered that the scale of the painting plays a big part in making me feel immersed, almost obliterated when I stand in front of it. I also increased my understanding of why I don’t feel much for Guernica in small reproductions (not even in big reproductions) and why I have unconsciously negated to own a copy.

Trail for the fox: pictorial space, art history course at Sotheby’s